After the death of his wife,Helen; FBI Agent Alloysius Pendergast vows to catch her killers. In the process, he gets a shocking revelation from one of her supposed murderers: Helen is alive and may have staged her death.How and Why? Pendergast vows to find out.....
My first impression of this book was...well,....Hot, but then it ended up not so hot. Why? Well, I felt it had a much to do with the fact that Cold Veangeance is a second part in a trilogy involving Mr and Mrs Pendergast; (Fever Dream and Two Graves being the first and last respectively ).
The first and second chapter held my attention but after a few more i got bored, (the protagonist seemed not to be needed, not until chapter 26 did he become prominent). Its ending was less dramatic too.
I think a Good book should be able to stand out on it's own regardless of it being part of a trilogy or whatever,to me Cold Veangeance didn't do that.
Rating :
Two out of five. Not an impressive read.