How do you rate my poem"LONELINESS"?

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Guess who makes my first actual blog post since 2010 ... who else but John “legal” Grisham.

John Grisham is at it again, here is his forthcoming legal thriller “THE CONFESSION”, it sure look like it’s gonna be a hit. I can’t wait to read it, pity its landing in stores October 26 ;until then, lets keep our fingers crossed and hopes this comes out as good as it looks.

Well, coming October, expect a summary and of course ...AN EXCERPT!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

At Last, Back Home!

    Wow! what an awful long time, its been almost 5 years ...oh no... 5 months,what!( u cant believe it, neither can i).
    Well, to the many (peeps ,followers, fellowbloggers) that has been counting on me whom had been let down by my prolonged blogging "illness",words can't xpress how sorry i'm for my absence , but now i'm back home to where i belong, that is blogging.
    I've been doing a lot of writing(real writing) and reading; so, be prepared to be bombarded with a lot of reviews, excerpts (my work included), upcoming releases, and exclusive interviews(one coming up soon) fellas! i just cant wait to start posting excerpts of my writing for your constructive criticisms.
   Once again fellas, Word Xpress is back home, BACK TO BLOGGING FOR REAL!